24 hour Twitter Panel, Wednesday, 20th November. #EurVoice (or tweet @Eurvoice)
As a partner organisation in Parliament Week 2013, the European Youth Parliament United Kingdom will be running an event to give young people across the United Kingdom and beyond a chance to express their views on the issues that really matter to them. For twenty-four hours on Wednesday 20th November, they will have the opportunity to Tweet at a panel of key UK politicians and community figures. These will include:
Dr. Henry B. Tam, Director, Forum for Youth Participation & Democracy, University of Cambridge
Christina McKelvie, MSP for Hamilton, Larkhall and Stonehouse; and Convener of the Scottish Parliament’s European and External Relations Committee.
Keith Taylor, MEP for South East England
Dr. Julian Huppert, MP for Cambridge
Antonia Mochan, Head of Communication, Partnerships and Networks, Representation of the European Commission in the UK